How to increase potency at home

As a result of many negative factors, men are increasingly faced with a decrease in sexual function. Not everyone manages to leave it unattended. Most men wonder how to increase potency. This can only be done in a complex way.

woman and man with greater power

What is power

Potency is usually called a man's ability to have sex. A good level of it means normal attraction and desire, physical elasticity and hardness of the penis at the time of arousal, as well as duration of sex and erection. In medical practice, the exact data of normal power have not been established, but there are limits, the deviation of which is considered a problem.

The problems can be subtle at first and are simply referred to as erectile dysfunction. But if you don't get the treatment on time, everything can lead to complete impotence.

Most men suffering from this disease also experience severe and prolonged stress, which ultimately only exacerbates an already abnormal condition.

It is important to contact a specialist quickly so as not to waste time. Many men are complex about this and delay visiting a doctor. This is an extremely wrong move. It is possible to increase the potency at home, but only a specialist can prescribe a course of therapy.

How to increase potency at home

Doctors have found that in men under 45, erectile dysfunction or impotence in most cases occurs due to psychological problems. At the age of 45-60, this problem of an intimate nature occurs due to a violation of the work of blood vessels. After 60 years, men suffer from impotence as a side effect of other diseases inherent in this age.

That is why doctors, when asked how to increase potency, recommend first of all to minimize stress in life. You also need to overcome your bad habits, if any. Equally important is the alignment of sleep duration and quality. If this did not help to restore potency to normal, the doctor prescribes a whole series of measures:

  1. Erection exercises.
  2. Massage that can increase power.
  3. Scrotal massage.

Doctors do not immediately grab the scalpel to save the patient from the problem. In some cases, the potency can be increased by folk methods. The most effective are:

  1. In the evening a shower or a contrast bath.
  2. Increase blood circulation by visiting a bath or sauna. Also, this method is great for relieving stress.
  3. Permanent healthy lifestyle. Alcohol, cigarettes, fast food and other harmful products can only worsen the quality of life.
  4. The use of products that increase potency: nuts, chocolate, egg yolks, honey, fresh garlic, legumes.

If these methods of increasing sweating do not lead to the long-awaited result, doctors prescribe drugs.

It should be understood that drugs can increase existing potency, but they cannot cause it. Tablets are acceptable before intercourse. Their main function is to increase the duration of the act. The action of drugs lasts 4-24 hours.

There are also special creams that can improve the physiological signs of sexual desire.

In no case should you independently prescribe drugs that increase potency. Also, it is not possible to use multiple types at the same time without a written recommendation from a doctor.