Nuts for potency

Walnuts are a unique nutritious product that contains many valuable microelements and vitamins. In addition, nuts are good for potency. Together with doctors we will discover which varieties to choose and how to use them correctly.

Walnuts are a healthy product that effectively increases potency in men.

Erectile dysfunction or impotence is a problem for many men over the age of 40. The causes of the disease can be poor ecology, stress and overwork, and even disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Modern medicine allows you to diagnose impotence in the early stages and restore lost sexual function. There are many methods of treatment: medications, surgery, massage, physical therapy. But we must not forget that for preventive purposes men can eat certain foods.

With the help of experts we will find out which nuts are good for potency and how to use them correctly.

What is important to know about nuts for potency?

Calorie content The nutritional energy value of nuts is quite high, so you need to carefully monitor the amount and not overeat, especially for overweight people.
Many nuts are strong allergens Before including dried fruit in the menu, make sure that you do not have an individual intolerance to the product.
Regularity To get the desired result, you need to eat nuts regularly. A small handful a week will have no visible effect.
Heachache Walnuts contain a substance called tyramine, which can cause headaches. Therefore the product should be used with caution.

Which nuts are good for potency in men?

It is known that for many diseases it is important to adhere to proper nutrition. Including healthy foods in your diet as a preventative measure is also of great importance. If you suffer from potency disorder, you can add nuts to your food. Let's talk about the most useful ones.


Walnut increases the production of testosterone in a man's body

Walnuts contain B vitamins, magnesium, zinc, calcium, amino acids and plant proteins. Thanks to such a rich composition, regular consumption of nuts improves blood circulation, metabolism and increases testosterone production. Additionally, scientists have shown that eating nuts can reduce the chance of prostate cancer in men.

pine nuts

Pine nuts will help strengthen erection and improve a man's mood.

Pine nuts are obtained from the cones of Siberian pines. The rich composition of vitamins and minerals indicates the enormous value of this product for the body. Pine nuts have a positive effect on physical endurance, increase potency, support sexual function and improve erection. Furthermore, they generally tone the body and can be consumed to prevent cancer and anemia. Pine nuts strengthen the immune system and improve mood, helping in cardiovascular diseases.


Pecans in a man's diet will improve blood circulation and increase potency

It looks similar to walnut and is in no way inferior to it in terms of beneficial properties. Pecans are rich in antioxidants, plant proteins, fiber, vitamins, calcium, magnesium and zinc. Regular consumption of this nut leads to improved blood circulation, a reduction in the risk of arterial hypertension, which in turn increases potency. The amino acids and vitamins that are part of pecans dilate blood vessels and improve erection, increasing testosterone levels.

How to take walnuts for potency

It is important to remember that any dried fruit is a high-calorie product. In this regard, it is necessary to carefully monitor the amount consumed. The recommended average daily dose is 20 g, preferably of different types, to maintain the balance of the beneficial elements obtained. To achieve a visible effect, you need to eat nuts regularly for 4-8 weeks; one-time consumption will not lead to the desired result.

Dried fruit can be used as a snack and can be used as a substitute for things like candy, muffins, and cookies. But we must not forget that nuts are one of the most common allergens, so people with high sensitivity to this product should exclude them from their diet.

The best recipes with walnuts

There are many foods that, combined with them, bring even more benefits to the body. Below are several recipes from which you can choose the one that best suits you.

Walnuts with honey

The beneficial properties of honey allow it to be used in a variety of cases, and the duet with nuts is a truly unique combination that will not only strengthen the immune system, but also help maintain normal potency and testosterone. A nutritious and tasty dessert made from nuts and honey will be an excellent substitute for chocolates and other sweets.

Honey enhances the effect of walnuts in increasing male potency
Honey 200ml
Almond 100 grams
Cashew nuts 100 grams
Peanuts 100 grams
Walnuts 50 g

Nuts need to be sorted out, dried in a pan or baking tray over low heat, then cooled and poured into a jar. Then pour honey over everything. It is better to leave the resulting mixture for several days to soak, then put it in the refrigerator. You can eat 1-2 tablespoons every day.

Nuts with sour cream

Another miracle mixture for improving potency in men is nuts with sour cream. The combination of these two products mutually enhances their beneficial properties.

A combination of nuts and sour cream for men who want to increase potency
Walnuts 4-5 pieces.
Sour cream 2 tbsp. spoons

Grind the nuts in a blender until smooth and mix with sour cream. To add flavor to the resulting mixture, you can add cinnamon or honey.

Lemon nuts

A nutritious paste made from a mixture of nuts, honey and lemon will be a delicious addition to tea or coffee, strengthen the immune system and improve your mood.

Paste made from walnuts, honey and lemon a delicious dessert that strengthens male power
Nuts 200 g
Lemon 1PC.
Honey 250ml

Pour boiling water over the lemon for five minutes, then wash it thoroughly. Grind the nuts in a blender. Cut the lemon into slices and place it in the blender bowl. Season the resulting mixture with honey.

Walnuts with dried apricots

A vitamin mixture of nuts, honey and dried apricots will charge you with energy for the whole day and replenish the lack of vitamins and microelements.

Walnuts with dried apricots are a storehouse of vitamins for men's sexual health
Nuts 200 g
Honey 300 grams
Dried apricots 200 g

Grind the nuts into fine crumbs. Pour boiling water over the dried apricots for five minutes, then dry them with paper towels and chop them too. Then mix all the ingredients and obtain a tasty and healthy mixture.

Ginger nuts

A recipe for crunchy and spicy nuts, great for a snack or as an appetizer for a fun party.

Walnuts with ginger are suitable as a healthy snack in a man's diet.
Nuts 1 glass
Hazelnut 1 glass
Cashew nuts 1 glass
Pistachios 1 glass
Sugar 0. 5 cups
Ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons
Coarse salt 1 Teaspoon
Ground allspice 0. 5 teaspoons
Ground ginger 0. 5 teaspoons
Egg white) 1PC.

Beat an egg white until frothy, mix with nuts and seasonings. Place on a baking tray and bake in a preheated oven at 160 degrees for 25 minutes.

Doctors' reviews of nuts for potency

  • "It is no secret that walnuts have a beneficial effect on the male reproductive system. This is due to the content of useful substances in walnuts, such as zinc, vitamin E, polyunsaturated fatty acids, antioxidants, selenium, magnesium and others. Of all microelements mentioned above, zinc, Omega-3 and antioxidants bring the greatest benefits to men's health. Men need zinc for the normal functioning of the reproductive system. It practically does not accumulate in the body, so a person must receive it constantly with food.

    Walnuts also contain polyunsaturated fatty acids, which significantly reduce the risk of developing atherosclerosis. One of the main causes of erectile dysfunction, i. e. decreased potency, are cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it is believed that when erection problems develop due to atherosclerosis, heart attacks or strokes develop after about 5 years. That is, erectile dysfunction can be one of the first manifestations of diseases of the cardiovascular system, which are currently one of the leading causes of death.

    Polyunsaturated fatty acids contained in walnuts can be an excellent means of preventing the development of atherosclerosis and, as a result, erection problems and other diseases of the cardiovascular system.

    The second important aspect is that the body produces the most important male hormone, testosterone, from polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is responsible for libido, potency, male energy, mental activity and muscle mass. Therefore, how much a man can feel like a man depends on a sufficient amount of this hormone.

    The antioxidants present in walnuts help rejuvenate the body and fight free radicals that damage cells. Considering this property, dried fruit can also be recommended to reduce the risk of developing cancer. "

  • "Dried fruit is a source of large quantities of vitamins, microelements, Omega-3, a very nutritious food in itself. If a person has a deficiency of these substances, dried fruit can compensate for it almost completely, so we notice an effect positive on the body as a whole and in particular on the improvement of power.

    But don't overestimate walnuts and their positive effect on erectile function. It should be understood that, as a rule, the average body is not able to absorb more than 100 g of nuts at a time.

    It should also be noted that walnuts are a high-calorie food, and if a person is not vegan, if he also eats food of animal origin, walnuts can be consumed no more than once a day and no more than 100 g per day, so that there is no excess of calories.

    To keep all body systems in good shape and working order, so that allergies or deficiencies of nutrients, including fats, do not occur, it is necessary to eat a serving of nuts 3-4 times a week.

Popular questions and answers

Our experts: urologists and andrologists answer readers' questions.

  1. How many nuts can you eat per day to increase potency?

    Excessive consumption of dried fruit, like any other excess, can be harmful to your health, so the recommended dose of dried fruit is 20 g per day. It seems like a little, but it's actually about 8 pieces of Brazil nuts or 150 pieces of pine nuts or 18 pieces of cashews and pecans.

  2. How long should you consume nuts for potency?

    To get the best results from consuming walnuts, it is recommended to consume them regularly, every day. Most importantly, you should not eat one type of dried fruit, and to maintain a balance of vitamins and microelements, it is better to use several types of dried fruit. It is worth understanding that if there is a pronounced deficiency of some microelements and vitamins, it will not be possible to completely compensate for their deficiency by eating only nuts. But they will bring great benefits to the body if included correctly in the diet.

  3. What else is nuts good for men?

    Walnuts in general have a beneficial effect on the body. In addition to maintaining potency, they help normalize intestinal function, lower cholesterol and reduce stress levels. Despite their high calorie content, nuts prevent obesity, since the fats they contain are not fully absorbed by the body.